If you are anything like me, you probably have about a million goals for the upcoming year, ranging from traveling the world, to being able to afford food other than ramen noodles.

But something I’ve noticed about myself lately, and I have a hunch a lot of you may suffer from this as well, is that I have a really hard time sticking to the resolutions I make on New Years!

Don’t feel bad, this is totally common. And I’ve put together some tips for us “optimistic resolutioners” so we can make 2016 the best year yet!

1. Don’t Get Carried Away

I learned pretty quickly that if I make too many goals none of them get achieved. It’s easy to spread yourself to thin and want to change every aspect of your life that isn’t working for you. Instead, focus on a maximum of three major goals you can realistically attain in the next 365 days. Or maybe the next 730 days. Either way, make sure your goals are realistic for your life and your timeline.

2. Have a Plan

One of my favourite quotes (and I may be revealing my Type-A personality here) is “fail to plan is to plan to fail.” And it couldn’t be truer when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. How many times have you made a goal and then promptly gave up or forgot about it? Well this year, create a plan of action for those three goals you set out for yourself. By constantly asking yourself “how?” you are going to be able to come up with a good idea of the steps you have to take to achieve your goal.

For example, let’s say you want to run a marathon. Well, how do you run a marathon? You have to train. How do you train? You create a training plan and schedule in your workouts. How do you create a training plan? You search Pinterest and talk to people who have ran a marathon before.

See what I did there? You now have steps to go forward and actually achieve your goal of being a marathon Diva! Not so bad, was it?

3. Choose Things You Care About

The easiest goals to maintain are the ones you are passionate about. Want to spend more time being creative? Find a friend and attend painting classes together. Want to make a difference in your community? Schedule some time to volunteer with local organizations or fundraise at your campus for a good cause. You are going to be far less tempted to give up on your goals when they really mean something to you and you will enjoy the journey in accomplishing them.

4. Not Every Goal Should be Physical

Sometimes the goals that mean the most to us aren’t about learning a new skill or focusing on something physical like our bodies or our finances. Sometimes the most meaningful goals are about being kinder to others and ourselves, spending more quality time with family, or simply enjoying the small things in life. Don’t forget about these types of goals when you go about making your list of resolutions because sometimes no matter how much money you save, or how many inches you lose, you won’t feel as fulfilled as you’d hoped.

I hope that helps Diva’s and prepare for an awesome New Year!