Hello, Divas! 

My name is Christine Mwangi and I am a pharmacist with a passion for women’s health, specifically menstrual hygiene. My clinical background and interests lead me to create a menstrual hygiene management curriculum for refugee women in West Michigan through Bethany Christian Services. During my initial research for the curriculum, I came across the DivaCup and was immediately in awe of how a simple product can improve a woman’s management of her menstrual cycle. I was eager to try it for myself. I am happy to say that it not only validated what I read, but now I cannot imagine going without it!

I was not deterred by the leaks and fit issues I experienced initially because the online community of women who are using the DivaCup were very supportive and encouraging. Most of my questions had already been asked and answered. I was persistent in wanting to succeed in using this product and I finally used it successfully with minimal leaks during the second month.

After using the DivaCup, my menstrual hygiene management routine completely changed, as well as my outlook. I was determined to introduce the DivaCup to refugee women and girls as a cost-saving option in the first few months of their resettlement in the United States – when money is often tight.

In my work with a focus group of women representing 18 countries (Burma, Bhutan, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo,  Ethiopia,  India, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya,  Lebanon, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Tanzania), I found there was no prior knowledge of menstrual cups, their use, benefits and product care. When I showed the women the DivaCup demonstration cups, they were intrigued and curious. Most of the women commented that they are not keen on internal products and have never used a tampon.

However, when I educated them on the benefits of the DivaCup in comparison to disposable options or cloth pads most currently used, they seemed more at ease. They were even more encouraged when I informed them that the DivaCup is now my menstrual management product of choice.

As I shared my personal experience with the DivaCup including the benefits, cost savings, management of leaks in initial months, and cleanliness, the women were more willing to try the product. Many of them will attend the Menstrual Hygiene Management Workshop next year and hope to try the product prior to in order to be better ambassadors of its value. I will follow-up with a report about the first round of workshops scheduled for Spring 2016!

Christine Mwangi

Refugee Services
Bethany Christian Services